
23 August 2022

Vrijdag 26 en zaterdag 27 augustus dagen vol met cartografie op heel verschillende manieren. Vrijdag presenteer ik hier mijn publicatie Letter to a Slik Road. Met ook Noa Jansma en Gerco de Ruyter en Peter Delpeut.

De tekst van de site van de Dear Hunter, Correctionville is uit mijn hart gegrepen: ‘Maps are never as accurate as they suggest and are always incomplete. It is futile to strive for completeness and reality. However, more interesting is the use of maps to discover and understand a place. This is one of the major tasks of our time: to have a better comprehension of our daily surroundings. Now, more than ever, we need to deal with the world around us with the greatest care and consideration. This is often done with the help of maps. Therefore, we should also make those maps with the greatest dedication and responsibility.’